
ZHOU, Ej ? My Legal name is Yijie Zhou .
Ej is the same name better spelled.


Hello! I am an incoming PhD student at Univesity of Cambridge. My program is titled PhD in Computation, Cognition and Language, and I am advised by Prof. Anna Korhonen. I hold my Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering from Zhejiang Univeristy , also an honored member of the Chu Kochen Honors College. During my undergraduate studies, I am very much grateful to be advised by Prof. Yue Zhang during my research intern at Westlake University, and I spent one semester as an exchange student in Cornell University, where I worked as a research assistant in CommCollabTech. I did a research internship in Yale University under the supervision of Prof. Arman Cohan.

I am broadly interested in Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and naturally Natural Language Processing. My previous research experience includes cross-lingual summarization, multi-document summarization, and analysis of LLMs. I am open to explore everything related to AI especially in this time of LLMs. As a pseudo-polyglot, my off time is often spent on learning languages.

I spent the year as a visiting student in Oxford.



Zhejiang University
2020 - 2024, Hangzhou
B.Eng.(Honours) in Computer Science
Grade: 3.99 / 4
Advised by Prof. Zhou Zhao
Cornell University
Jan 2023 - Jun 2023, Ithaca
Exchange Student
Grade: 4.082 / 4.3
▶ Selected Courses
  • Computational Linguistics, A
  • Language and Information, A
  • Historical Linguistics, S
  • Independent Reading & Research, A+
Oxford University
2023 - 2024, Oxfordshire
St Hilda's College
Studying computer science and linguistics


Research Intern
Apr 2023 - Oct 2023, Yale
Advised by Prof. Arman Cohan
Worked on bench-marking the open-domain multi-document summarization task and proposed methods to better robustness. Single first author work. [paper]
Research Assistant
Jan 2023 - Jun 2023, Cornell
In CommCollabTech Lab
We designed a persuasive agent detecting factual misinformation, deployed on Telegram and Reddit. [github]

Also I was a member of Cornell Language Expansion Program
Research Intern
Sept 2022 - Jan 2023, Westlake University
Advised by Prof. Yue Zhang
We built a new benchmark for cross-lingual summarization(XLS). Our paper was accepted by ACL 2023 Long. [code]
Team Leader
Aug 2021, The 9th INTEL CUP Parallel Application Challenge
Achieved a 3,431% acceleration on optimizing the WBP algorithm.
Aug 2022 - Sept 2022, Hangzhou City Brain
IRS System maintenance.



Revisiting Cross-Lingual Summarization: A Corpus-based Study and A New Benchmark with Improvement Annotation
Yulong Chen, Huajian Zhang, Yijie Zhou, Xuefeng Bai, Yueguan Wang, Ming Zhong, Jianhao Yan, Yafu Li, Judy Li, Michael Zhu and Yue Zhang

ACL 2023 Long [Paper]|[Code


ODSUM : New Benchmarks for Open Domain Multi-Document Summarization

Yijie Zhou, Kejian Shi, Wencai Zhang, Yixin Liu, Yilun Zhao, Arman Cohan

submitted to EACL 2024 [Paper]|[Code


  • First-class Scholarship, Zhejiang University, 2022. (Top 10% in ZJU)
  • CKC Honors College Scholarship for Excellence, 2021. (Top 1% in the Honors College)
  • First-class Scholarship, Zhejiang University, 2021.
  • Hengyi Scholarship, 2021. (5 / ~24,000 in ZJU)
  • Championship for the Debate Tournament of CKC, 2020.


Wu was my forgotten mothertone. I grew up then speaking Mandarin. Learnt English from school. Speaking half French and a quarter Japanese. Hoping to as much language as I could. This year I'm very devoted to Russian.


  • 🎬 I am a cinema enthusiast.
  • 🙏 I do not consider myself fully a Buddhist, but I read sutra and I'm interested in Buddhist philosophy.
  • 🎵 I started Guqin from very young at Westlake Qin-Society and I taught it in ZJU for one year. I am a regular at local jazz scene, and I'm exploring more underground music like techno and post-punk.

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